We have a friend staying over, which offers the perfect opportunity to cook a huge breakfast and then enjoy a viewing of Spider-Man 2. I’ve only seen the film once or twice since it came out, despite thinking of it as one of the top two or three superhero movies ever made. It doesn’t disappoint on this viewing either, though I’m surprised at how long it takes to get going.
I also take some time to get to grips with Pocketbook, in an effort to ensure that I don’t bankrupt myself as primary carer of two kids and relatively fresh mortgage. It’s pretty good–it identifies my regular bill payments, lets me enjoy a brief OCD spell of categorising my expenses, and then I leave it to do its thing. Having done my sums a few months back, I’m not overly worried about my financial situation, but something like Pocketbook will hopefully help me make sure I’m keeping an eye on where the cash is going.
Dinner is slow-cooked lamb (again: the Elderbeast having become quite the fan). The three of us play a tense round of Exploding Kittens, and then it’s time for the season finale of Doctor Who. I ask the Kinderbeast if he wants to go to bed or stay up and watch Doctor Who with us: he makes the right choice and goes for the latter. It’s a good finale, and there’s no better way to end the week than watching my favourite show with my two favourite people.