Saturday. I enjoy a brief Designated Lie In, then get myself to Coles nice and early for the weekly shop. I’m hoping, given the skimpiness of my shopping list, that this week’s shop will come in nice and cheap. However, it still totals around $140, which seems to be my standard weekly shop outlay. It’s true that I did buy about $25 of butter (because it was half price) and $10 of cheese for games day tomorrow, but I need to train myself to do a weekly shop without all the added extras.
After that I’m treated to a most excellent cooked breakfast by a good friend of mine, which causes me to seriously consider upping my breakfast game. I head home and, despite feeling very lazy, decide to clear up a few corners of the house that had started descending into chaos. I also file some paperwork (yawn). The end results are mighty pleasing however. After that I finally do something I’ve been meaning to do for the last x number of #childfree Saturdays: I veg out on the sofa and watch some TV. Rather than start getting into something new, which I will inevitably fail to make time to persist with, I opt for some classic Doctor Who: The Horror Of Fang Rock, to be precise. It’s a great choice.
I realise I’ve forgotten to make the lunchbox muffins I’d planned to make for the kinderbesten: I’m keen to give them something other than sandwiches for their lunches, at least occasionally. I’ve got time, so I knock them together before dinner.
Then it’s time for the traditional steak dinner and wine. Steak having been devoured, it’s Childfree Saturday Movie Night. Tonight I finally sit down to watch Alien Covenant. Having read the reviews, I’ve appropriately lowered my expectations, but I love it from the moment the opening titles begin; echoing the main theme and titles from the original movie. It’s an obvious ploy, cashing in on the nostalgia, but it does the trick for me. I thoroughly enjoy the movie, but leave it very much aware of its flaws. The problems are not as gaping as the ones Prometheus burdened itself with, but the promise of a balls-to-the-wall Alien movie ends up being somewhat compromised by a needlessly exposition-heavy middle act.
That said, I’m already keen to watch it again.
I go to bed with the worrying feeling that I’m coming down with the same bug that hit the Elderbeast on Thursday. That’s what I get for feeling smug about not catching it.