Wednesday. I get up for my morning shift, but have nothing in particular to write and have forgotten to grind any coffee. So, I just have a cup of tea and loiter next to the heater until it’s time to get the kinderbesten ready for school.
In my caffeine-deprived state I manage to TWICE walk to the coffee shop only for it to start pouring as soon as it’s time to walk back to the office. I may get wet, but at least I have coffee.
I spend my evening trying to format a handful of my more recent short stories in the hopes of being able to submit them somewhere or other. It’s a tedious process. Scrivener is pretty awesome for the writing part, but I’ve not quite figured how to make it bend to my will when it comes to outputting beta-reader versions and submittable manuscripts. I tidy up the mess I’ve made in Word, and then browse some markets. I fail to find anything suitable and head to bed in the hopes of staying warm. It’s another one of those brutally cold nights, and I fall asleep in a pajama top, with a long-sleeved t-shirt over that, under my winter duvet, flannelette sheets, and sherpa throw. With socks on. Bloody winter.