This weekend I made a conscious decision to keep the weekend entirely to myself. I did my food shopping after work on Friday, enjoyed the rest of the evening with my Friday Horror companion, then did some brief Christmas shopping on Saturday morning … and that was it. For the rest of the weekend I stayed at home enjoying my own company.
I had a couple of reasons for doing this. Firstly, I’d been wanting to have a #childfree weekend completely to myself for a few months now, but there was always too much fun stuff happening. Secondly, I was in need of some time without any background noise, or the stress of having to be at particular places at particular times. In fact, now that I think of it, I have a thirdly as well: namely a few niggling odd jobs that I wanted to get out of the way without having to worry about running out of time.
My running theory was that I would get intensely bored and, having had this mythical complete weekend to myself, would quickly decide that I never wanted to do it again. Except it didn’t quite happen that way. What did happen was that I had enough to time to get almost all of my to do list done and spend a whole bunch of time sitting on the sofa watching TV. And, when I wasn’t doing that, I was eating lots and lots of delicious food.
Pretty good, all in all–and a much needed couple of days that allowed me to reconnect with that whole ‘quality of life’ business. I watched some things that I really, really enjoyed. I made my house a marginally better place to live in, with a bit of strategic cleaning and tidying. I also treated myself to some good food. That’s not a bad couple of days 🙂