I briefly considered checking out the Boxing Day sales today, but sanity prevailed and left us all to enjoy a traditional day of post-Christmas recovery. The Elderbeast went off for the afternoon to see the first Scorchers game of the season, while I baked my Christmas Ham and watched movies with the Kinderbeast.
The Elderbeast came home in time for us to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special together, which is always a seasonal highlight. We were both pretty excited about this one, as it gave us our first chance to see Jodie Whittaker in action and I was pretty stoked about seeing David Bradley as the first Doctor. That said, as fun as they are, these Christmas episodes are typically a bit of a curiosity: never not entertaining, but almost always eminently forgettable … which makes it baffling that they tend to use these episodes for their tentpole moments (such as Peter Capaldi leaving).
Ultimately, it was a perfectly good episode, solidly made with many highlights, but once again little more than a romp. The problem with the regeneration episodes, is that part of you is always just waiting for episode to be over so you can get to the last ten minutes. The problem with our episode is that the sound on the last ten minutes went completely out of sync, which pretty much took us out of the whole thing.
Whatever. I’m still excited about Jodie Whittaker 🙂