Finally, my alarm actually wakes me up for a change. Read on for the latest thrilling exploits in my early morning … er, exploits …

In yesterday’s post I foolishly observed that I seemed to be subconsciously adjusting to my ‘morning shift’ by waking up before my alarm each day. Naturally this morning found me fast asleep when my alarm went off (yes, the alarm did actually go off this time!). In fact I was so asleep that it took me a few seconds to figure out what the weird buzzing noise happening by the side of my head was (spoiler: it was my alarm).

As it happens, I had woken up earlier that morning. Stormy, my toddler, woke up crying because his pillow wasn’t where it was supposed to be. I had woken up a few seconds prior to this due to the loud thump that Stormy’s head had made when it connected with the pillowless headboard of his cot. On reflection, the mislocation of his pillow might not have been the direct cause of his crying …

After this I retreated back to bed with that sense of extreme tiredness that comes from the certain knowledge that it’s only another two minutes until your alarm goes off. Luckily it turned out to be that sense of extreme tiredness that comes from it being only 3am in the morning. Yay – more sleep!

So, backtracking to the future, I woke up at 6:30am and quickly turned the alarm off so no one else got woken up. At that point I made a few quick observations: it was cold; it was dark; and I really, really, really wanted to stay in bed.

Much to my surprise I got out of bed and I even managed to leave the room without Stormy waking up (he’s not stupid: he learned fairly early that sleep is awesome). It happened that this morning I had no lunches to make so I just made some tea and wasted a bit of time on twitter: this being my last morning free of writing responsibilities. Stormy ended up waking up properly at 7am. I can live with that. If I reach my target waking time of 6am that still gives me two pomodoros of writing (just under an hour). Most days he doesn’t wake till 7:30am.

I’ve not yet committed to getting up early at the weekends, so the next update will be on Monday when, as you’ll already know, I plan to do my first shift of morning writing. Tune in then. Or whatever it is you do on the internet …