I manage to get up for a second day running (or was it a third? Who’s really counting anyway?) and do another 700 words on the second draft of my story. Pretty pleased with that.
I get to work and immediately have to plunge into two meetings before I can even go and get coffee; which doesn’t happen until nearly 11am, which is an entirely unacceptable way to exist.
I get a surprise in my inbox. Last night I emailed a copy of the draft consent orders to my superannuation provider: they have to agree to be bound by the orders as the settlement between me and Rachel includes a small share of my super. The small print says I need to give them at least 28 days notice to review the order before I can file it with the court. Instead they come through in less than 24 hours. This means that the next step is filing the papers with the Family Court.
Back home and I use the rest of the slow cooked lamb to make a shepherd’s pie. I keep telling people I’m making cottage pie for dinner, and get corrected. (For the heathens among you, cottage pie is made with beef … because of the obvious link between beef and cottages). Either way it’s very tasty.
I then spend the rest of the evening immersed in trepidation over my friend’s funeral tomorrow.