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Top 10 (or 11) films of … 1978

I’m doing a personal review of the top ten (more or less—usually more) movies from every year since the one I was born. This week … it was the year we all believed a man could fly. Or perhaps you didn’t. Perhaps you weren’t even born then? Meanwhile, these days we have movie characters flying off left right and centre. It must all seem so perfectly normal. Well, if either of those are you, come with me, grab your Superman crotch popcorn bucket and let’s take a walk through the past with a recap of the top movies of 1978.

IMDB Top 10

  1. Grease
  2. Superman
  3. The Deer Hunter
  4. National Lampoon’s Animal House
  5. Death On The Nile
  6. Halloween
  7. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
  8. Days Of Heaven
  9. Dawn Of The Dead
  10. Watership Down

Global Box Office Top 10

  1. Grease
  2. Superman
  3. National Lampoon’s Animal House
  4. Every Which Way But Loose
  5. Heaven Can Wait
  6. Hooper
  7. Jaws 2
  8. Revenge Of the Pink Panther
  9. The Deer Hunter
  10. Halloween

Let’s kick off with a few changes to the format. Firstly, I’ve tweaked the IMDB listing to only show movies that have a certain number of ratings and are above a certain score. I’m still not sure how IMDB calculates ‘popularity’ but this modest filtering will hopefully prevent the Swedish Nympho Slaves scenario from happening in future.  

Second: given this is a personal reflection I’ve also opted to shuffle the way I list the movies below to vaguely reflect how significant they are to me (previously the order was roughly aligned with the chart listings). It’s never going to be as straightforward as my favourite movie being at the top and my least favourite at the bottom. Movies can be important to me without necessarily being titles I’d watch again and again. Nevertheless, you can view my ordering as a vague indication of preference.

Anyway, let’s go!

Top 10 (or less) films of … 1977

It was the year of Star Wars and The Sex Pistols—two pop culture phenonema that couldn’t be further apart which but had a lasting impact on film and music. It was a year that encapsulated escaping from things past and launching boldly into whatever was going to come next. Even NASA was playing the game, launching various test flights of its new, future-facing space shuttle. It was the year of the Queen’s silver jubilee and the UK went crazy for it; I remember street parties and celebrations. I remember my Mum dressing me up as a cavalier (cool costume!) and we went to Windsor for what I assume was the lighting of the bonfire at Snow Hill on June 6. It was also the year that I started going to see movies at the cinema.

And what was Hollywood up to …?

IMDB Top Ten

  1. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
  2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  3. The French Connection
  4. Saturday Night Fever
  5. The Spy Who Loved Me
  6. Swedish Nympho Slaves
  7. Slap Shot
  8. Eraserhead
  9. Looking For Mr Goodbar
  10. Smokey and the Bandit
  11. A Bridge Too Far

Global Box Office Top Ten

  1. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
  2. Smokey and the Bandit
  3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  4. Saturday Night Fever
  5. A Bridge Too Far
  6. The Deep
  7. The Spy Who Loved Me
  8. Oh, God!
  9. Annie Hall
  10. Semi-Tough

This marks the first year that I can finally access global box office stats. As such I won’t be using the North America box office top ten any more. While I expect the majority of the films that appear in the top ten will still be US-produced, I’m far more comfortable having a list that comes a little closer to reflecting what people around the world were paying to see at their local cinemas. However, there is also something a bit wrong in the IMDB top ten … which will be made plain if you inspect the number six entry up there. Given the ‘best films of the year’ is always going to be highly subjective, I think the IMDB list is as useful a barometer as any even if there’s something a bit skewiff with its algorithm. Either way, using both list allows me to see how the most popular contemporary films of the year relate to the most popular retrospective films of the same year.

Top 10 (and a bit) films of … 1976

1976 was the year of the big summer heatwave in the UK, which I have a vague memory of as “that one time we actually got summer”. I expect I spent a lot of time in my paddling pool. It was also the year that Apple Computer Company formed and released its first computer (handy, given their name) and a space shuttle called Enterprise was unveiled. Like the real Enterprise it couldn’t actually go into space, but it was a cool bit of publicity all the same. Meanwhile, the UK and Iceland ended that third cod war, much to the relief of political superpowers across the globe.

IMDB Top Ten

  1. Carrie
  2. Taxi Driver
  3. The Omen
  4. Rocky
  5. Logan’s Run
  6. Murder By Death
  7. All The President’s Men
  8. The Enforcer
  9. A Star Is Born
  10. Midway

North America Top Ten

  1. Rocky
  2. To Fly!
  3. A Star Is Born
  4. King Kong
  5. Silver Streak
  6. All The President’s Men
  7. The Omen
  8. The Enforcer
  9. Midway
  10. The Bad News Bears

For a while there I thought 1976 might be the year I finally saw some of these movies in the cinema: I distinctly remember watching King Kong and The Pink Panther Strikes Again on the big screen. However, given both of these movies were released on Boxing Day 1976 in the UK I very much expect I wouldn’t have seen them until the subsequent year (remember, movies hung around a lot longer back in those days!)

While neither of those movies are particularly memorable, it was otherwise an exceptionally solid year for cinema—just look at that IMDB top 5! And plenty of quality picks lower down in the list too. Let’s get into it. 

Top 10 (almost) films of … 1975

It’s the hump year of the seventies, the year that Bill Gates and another guy [Paul Allen: let’s give credit where it’s due] founded a company called Micro-Soft and the Vietnam War ended with the fall of Saigon. Meanwhile, the UK and Iceland, obviously thinking there weren’t enough wars in the world, began their third war over cod. Finally, actor Pedro Pascal, best known for his bit part in a season 5 episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, was born. Also, some films came out. Let’s talk about those.

IMDB Top Ten

  1. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom
  2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  3. Jaws
  4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
  5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  6. Barry Lyndon
  7. Dog Day Afternoon
  8. Death Race 2000
  9. Deep Red
  10. Mr Ricco

North America Top Ten

  1. Jaws
  2. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
  3. Shampoo
  4. Dog Day Afternoon
  5. The Return Of The Pink Panther
  6. Three Days Of The Condor
  7. Funny Lady
  8. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  9. The Other Side Of The Mountain
  10. Tommy

I can’t recall the very first time I visited the cinema. I do remember going to see various Disney rereleases (such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) and I do remember my local Odeon doing a Saturday morning cinema thing. There was at least one occasion where I decided it was more fun to run up and down the aisles than to watch the film, much to the annoyance of some of the other cinemagoers. Hopefully the fact that I remember this moment means I quickly took it to heart and was less disruptive at future screenings.

All of that’s just a roundabout way of saying that 1975 might be the year I first went to the cinema but it also might not! That said, I can definitely confirm that I didn’t see any of the movies we’re about to discuss in the year of their release. Let’s move on.

Top 10 (and more) films of … 1974

It’s 1974—the year that Nixon resigned, ABBA won Eurovision (down in sunny old Brighton, no less), and an English teacher called Mr King published his first novel, entitled Carrie. Now, join me as we talk about none of those things.

IMDB Top Ten (by popularity) (link)

  1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  2. The Godfather: Part II
  3. Young Frankenstein
  4. Blazing Saddles
  5. Emmanuelle
  6. Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
  7. The Conversation
  8. Chinatown
  9. Murder On The Orient Express
  10. The Man With The Golden Gun

US & Canada Box Office Top Ten (link)

  1. Blazing Saddles
  2. The Towering Inferno
  3. The Trial Of Billy Jack
  4. Young Frankenstein
  5. Earthquake
  6. The Godfather: Part II
  7. Airport 1975
  8. The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams
  9. The Longest Yard
  10. Murder On The Orient Express

We’re not even halfway through the seventies and we can already see one of the genres that defined the decade peaking, as well as Mel Brooks more or less single-handedly elevating the satire to blockbuster status. Not only that but we get a number of titles that could comfortably wear the title of Best Film Ever in their respective genres. It might not be my personal best year ever for cinema but it could be a pretty strong contender.

So, without any more waffle … what’s good? What’s not? What’s unseen? What’s missing? Read on!

Top 10 (and a bit) films of … 1973

I’m blogging about the top ten (more or less) movies of every year since I was born. This week it’s time to delve into 1973 where things are starting to pick up.

IMDB Top Ten (by popularity (link)

  1. The Exorcist
  2. Soylent Green
  3. The Wicker Man
  4. American Graffiti
  5. The Day Of The Jackal
  6. The Holy Mountain
  7. The Sting
  8. Westworld
  9. The Long Goodbye
  10. Serpico

US & Canada Box Office Top Ten (link)

  1. The Exorcist
  2. The Sting
  3. American Graffiti
  4. Papillon
  5. The Way We Were
  6. Magnum Force
  7. Live and Let Die
  8. Robin Hood
  9. Paper Moon
  10. Serpico

As per above I’m using two sources for my top ten lists. First is IMDB filtered by year and sorted by Popularity (doing this with User Rating, which would seem the sensible way to go produces … unexpected results). Finding reliable box office rankings is a bit tricky, so for 1971 thru 1976 I’ll be using the North America box office published on The Numbers. From 1977 I’ll be able to use worldwide box office, which will be a bit less geographically biassed. Either way, the goal here is not to provide definite statistics, but simply to provide a nominal list of top movies from the year, both contemporary and retrospectively, with which I can then embarrass myself by revealing how many classic works of modern cinema I’ve failed to see!

Top 10 (ish) films of … 1972

I’m blogging about the top ten (more or less) movies of every year since I was born. This week we delve into 1972.

IMDB Top Ten

  1. The Godfather
  2. Jeremiah Johnson
  3. Deliverance
  4. Last Tango In Paris
  5. The Poseidon Adventure
  6. Travels With My Aunt
  7. Pink Flamingos
  8. The Last House On The Left
  9. Cabaret
  10. The Getaway

US Box Office Top Ten

  1. The Godfather
  2. The Poseidon Adventure
  3. What’s Up, Doc?
  4. Deliverance
  5. Deep Throat
  6. Jeremiah Johnson
  7. Cabaret
  8. The Getaway
  9. Last Tango In Paris
  10. Lady Sings The Blues

With a couple of notable exceptions it looks like 1972 was not so much of a banner year for cinema. That being said, we’re certainly in an interesting transitional stage—budding blockbuster giants like The Godfather, The Poseidon Adventure and more traditional titles such as What’s Up Doc and Jeremiah Johnson share the stage with subversive fare like Pink Flamingos, Deep Throat while Last Tango In Paris further blurs those boundaries. We’re definitely moving … somewhere.

Unsurprisingly, this is a year of movies that I remember my parents talking about, and directly introducing me to in a few cases. Despite that, it’s remarkable how few of the titles listed above I’ve actually seen. So let’s get into it.

Top 10 (sorta) films of … 1971

I’m blogging about the top ten (more or less) movies of every year since I was born. It’s gonna take a while …

IMDB Top Ten (link)

  1. A Clockwork Orange
  2. Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  3. The French Connection
  4. The Last Picture Show
  5. Dirty Harry
  6. Get Carter
  7. THX 1138
  8. Straw Dogs
  9. Klute
  10. Summer of ‘42

US Box Office Top Ten (link)

  1. Billy Jack
  2. Fiddler on the Roof
  3. Diamonds Are Forever
  4. The French Connection
  5. Summer of ‘42
  6. Dirty Harry
  7. A Clockwork Orange
  8. The Last Picture Show
  9. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
  10. Sweet Sweetback’s Baad Asssss Song

Inspired by my friend Clay’s roundup of the top 25 movies of 1999 I’ve decided to blog about the top ten (sorta) movies from every year since I was born. I won’t be fully reviewing each movie because that would be ridiculous, instead I’ll briefly share my personal connection with the movie … including whether or not I’ve even seen it! Since biggest doesn’t necessarily mean best, I’ll be working from both the box office stats for the year and the IMDB rankings. In researching this project I’ve discovered that detailed box office records aren’t available prior to 1977.

My preference going forward will be to use the worldwide box office top 10 as reference, but for 1971 through to 1976 I only have access to the US data. If anyone can point me to a better source than the above listings then please let me know in the comments.

So, 1917 was the year I was born – no, wait—1971. Obviously I didn’t go to the cinema at all that year … at least as far as I know … but I’ve definitely seen several of its movies. Read on to find out what I’ve seen, what I’ve not seen, and what I think is also worthy of note. Let’s begin!

A menagerie of Things

At some point in the recent past I was struck with an urge to read Who Goes There?, the John W. Campbell novella that inspired one of my favourite movies, The Thing. I can’t recall where that urge came from—maybe it was nothing more than a desire to read something new and yet also familiar—but it was suddenly very important that I read it. Unfortunately it turned out that I did not, in fact, own a copy of Who Goes There? nor could I find a sufficiently cheap copy online that would arrive quick enough to scratch the itch.

What I did have, I soon remembered, was an ebook of Frozen Hell, the original version of Campbell’s novella which I had picked up through Kickstarter several years earlier. This version had been discovered among Campbell’s papers some years after his death. By all accounts it is largely the same as the eventual published version, the inclusion of three introductory chapters being the major difference from the novella.

Reading this triggered something of a descent into a rabbit hole during which I read almost everything Thing-related that I could get my hands on and—because this is how things work—my thoughts on all of them are below!

#interesting – Saxophone

Today I discovered that the saxophone is banned by the Vatican, which is a delightfully random and utterly useless piece of knowledge. Strictly speaking, the saxophone was banned by Pope Pius X in 1903 (to avoid the temptation of churchgoers indulging in sexydancing, or something or other) and the ban has never formally been repealed. What might happen if you were to turn up in Vatican City with a saxophone I do not know.

The saxophone was also banned by the Nazis as a tool of ‘degenerate’ art due to its popularity with black jazz musicians (but mainly due to the Nazis being irredeemable walking piles of crap). Not to be outdone, Stalin also banned the saxophone due to its links with jazz, but in this instance it was because he viewed jazz as “the embodiment of bourgeois American imperialist culture” (i.e. he hated all americans, not just the black ones … though I expect Hitler wasn’t too fond of americans either after they beat him).

Knowing all this gives me newfound respect for the sax.

#interesting is a series of random facts that I find interesting, and will be posting here during 2021 for your edification, amusement, derision and/or diversion.

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