It’s Saturday, which means it’s weekly shop day. The kinderbesten are most excellent and we make it to the shops by 9:30am. For Saturday Morning Cinema Club I get a random urge for something John Hughesy, and realise that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off would probably be a fine choice for us all to watch. I don’t own a copy–shocking!–but luckily it’s on Netflix. The Kinderbeast gets bored early on, but the Elderbeast thoroughly enjoys it, as do I.
The kinderbesten have requested a sleepover at their Nan’s for the evening, granting me a bonus #childfree night. I tuck into the usual steak dinner, and then decide to watch Midnight Special. I’ve had a friend’s copy for some weeks now, and figure it might satisfy the mild Stranger Things craving I’ve had since watching the season 2 trailer last night.
It’s pretty good, but not as solidly satisfying as I’d hoped. It seems underdeveloped in parts, and when I later find out that one of the original plans for the script was for it to lead into a TV series, it all makes sense