Turns out I haven’t done a regular monthly writing update since last March. So here’s one for last month
Tag: #bloglikeayoyo
Way back on January 2 I posted about some goals—not resolutions–that I wanted to aim for during the course of 2017. I’m not necessarily planning to do a Wil Wheaton style check-in every month, but there’s little value in setting goals if you don’t reflect on them once in a while. Also I need to somehow get four blog posts out of the door this month, and I’m running out of days!

I began last year with the quiet hope that I might manage to get at least one new story published somewhere. While I definitely had some wins, I didn’t end up getting any stories published. What I did end up with was a small pile of rejection emails. You might think that’s a bad thing, but it’s not, and here’s why …