Now that I’ve settled (more or less) into my morning shift routine, I’ll be using these monthly update slots to provide a general update on my writing activities. While most of my writing happens in the mornings, this will allow me to legitimately include updates on my blog posts, which normally happen in lunchtimes or evenings.

January was a good month!

The big outcome for me was that I finally finished my epic story, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. It still needs a fair bit of proofing, but completing the final ‘creative’ draft was a huge milestone for me. I had a few spectacularly productive mornings where my edit count (this is the word count for the text section that I manage to edit on any given day) exceeded 2,000 words and more days where I topped 1,000 than fell short of that figure.

I also managed a few blog posts. I’ve started a new blogging challenge (Blog Like A Mofo) which gives points for every week you post to your blog, and bonus points if you post every week for the month. Thanks to that my blogging has become a little more regular and I have every intention of keeping up that pace for the year.

I’ll have some interesting updates for February, but my immediate aims are to look a bit more closely at how my writing on weekend mornings is going, and to be a bit more rigorous about counting my blog posts (sometimes I don’t remember to record the word count until I’ve published, instead of when I actually write the piece). I’m also going to record the days on which I don’t write, as well as the reason.

The stats

  • Number of morning writing sessions: 20 (out of a possible 31)
  • Words written: 3,051 (all blog posts)
  • Words edited: 28,236 (all There Is A Light … )