It’s one of those days where I have to drive up to the city for a 9:30 meeting. It’s also one of those days where I have to drop the kids off at school, fill the car up, and then relax in the contemplative bliss of heavy traffic on the freeway. I do get to the city in time to grab coffee before my meeting, which is of course The Most Important Thing.
I then make the mistake of getting a THIRD Coffee Of The Day when I get Back To The Office which makes the Rest Of The Day feel like EVERYTHING is Being Capitalized.
It’s skating day, which means Rach and the Elderbeast are out until past 7pm. I take my time preparing dinner. Then we eat dinner. Then everyone goes to bed. It’s one of those evenings that they write about in the history books. Or maybe it’s just one of those evenings that I actually get some spare time to write about the evening in which I’m writing about my evening.
And then my head exploded …