It’s the Kinderbesten’s first day of school. Which means back to stressful mornings, and back to getting to work latish. That said, both beasts are excellent and the morning goes exactly to schedule. I’m further rewarded with a relatively quiet day at work, which allows me to start catching up on things. I do, however, find myself very tired by the end of the day and a late meeting means I get home too late to make the soup I was planning to make, so it ends up being a freezer dinner evening.

I have a presentation to deliver on Thursday (the same productivity workshop I’ve run at least once already this year). As always I’m in a slight case of denial about having to stand up in front of a roomful of people (15 in this case) and talk for over an hour, so I’ve left everything to the last minute. Feedback from the last session has prompted me to reorganise the whole presentation. This takes up most of the evening but I’m feeling good about the result. It’s a far more focused presentation now, and with a much more logical structure.

We’ll see how it goes down on Thursday.