Thursday. I wake up after another terrible night’s sleep and I drag myself out of bed just after 7am, but don’t even bother trying to write. I drop Elderbeast at his PEAC class. Get coffee. Do work. Then it’s time for PEAC collection two hours later. I return to work for an afternoon of meetings, which don’t prove as arduous as they sound.
I decide to do my ‘weekly shop’ on the way home, instead of Saturday. My Saturday evening is booked up, and I need time to make lunch for Sunday (it’s my turn to feed the Pathfinder group) and also to prepare my new player character. I want to get started and finished as soon as possible, so I can still have some quality ‘me time’ given that it’s a #childfree weekend, and not having to do shopping in the morning is a good way of clawing back an hour in my day.
In a pleasant surprise, I see the in-laws there: turns out they’ve just been visiting the rest of the family. In a nearly-as-pleasant surprise, my ‘weekly’ shop only comes to about $50 (less than half the current average). It’s true that it’s only really food for the weekend, but I’ll still claim it as a victory.