Two things happened today, which filled the day full of fuuuuuuuuuuu!

Firstly, the Elderbeast had a minor meltdown on the way to his PEAC class. I did my best to navigate this, and to talk him through it, as we got dressed, made breakfast, dropped the Kinderbeast at school, and drove to PEAC. However, by the time we got to PEAC he was lurking outside the class in tears, reluctant to go inside so his classmates didn’t see him.

I ended up going inside to let his teacher know that he was somewhat stressed. She immediately came out with me, sat down with him and talked him through it. The transformation in him was astounding. He went into his class and, in fact, was in a top mood for the rest of the day.

That’s Positive One from the Day Of Fuuuuuuuu!

Then I have my day of work and I return home. You may or may not recall (because I may or may not have written about it) that one of my neighbours dropped round last week to tell me that our shared fence had been damaged in some recent weather. At the time I had shrugged it off, reasoning that my insurance would cover the cost of replacement.

Tonight is when I remembered two things. Firstly, that I would still have to pay the excess on the claim. Secondly, and most significantly, that I was literally a week into a new home insurance policy. As part of this policy, in a bid to reduce my monthly premium, I had adjusted my excess liability. And I had adjusted it from $400 to $1000.



So, what’s the positive? Well, I checked my bank account and realised I can cover this quite comfortably. I’m not sure what I’ve done right, but I’ve been doing my best to build up a financial safety net over the last couple of months exactly for unexpected emergencies like this. So, it’s certainly $1000 I would rather have spent elsewhere, but at least I can cover it and still feed the Kinderbesten … and buy bluetooth lightbulbs …