Even though Sunday is meant to be a writing day, I enjoy another good lie in–I’m not ready to push myself too hard yet, the writing will happen when it happens. We eat bacon sandwiches and play some Zelda, then it’s time to head out for Doggy Date. This is where those of us who own dogs bring the dogs out to play, and those of us who don’t own dogs get to play with the dogs. I bring the Kinderbesten for balance.
The day starts off in jeopardy when we get to Deepwater Point and find that dogs are not allowed. My brain struggles with the concept of a large open space where dogs are not welcome. We hang around long enough to get some food and research alternatives. Point Walter is apparently dog-unfriendly as well, but there is a dog friendly park close to the area so we head there.
We enjoy much excellent dogginess. The three dogs in our group are joined on various occasions by other dogs who want to play. We spend much time in particular with a whippet who literally runs rings around all the other dogs and, to all appearances, seems to be having a fantastic time.
We eventually tear ourselves away and I’m struck by how exhausted I feel after a relatively minor amount of walking around and outdoorsiness. I’m also struck by a headache which does little to enhance my pretence of being alive.
We get home and I initiate Sunday Afternoon Film Club, largely so I have an excuse to die on the sofa. We settle down for War Of The Worlds (the Spielberg version) which continues to be visually amazing, but still somehow doesn’t quite hit the mark. The sense of inevitable apocalypse is perfectly crafted, but I’m still not convinced that you can make an effective blockbuster where most of the characters are basically arseholes.
Afterwards we watch Moana. Again. Then I head into the kitchen to make my famous fake KFC (or: JFC – Justin’s Fried Chicken … which is actually baked). It’s a great success.
Once the Kinderbeast settles in bed, it’s time for the Elderbeast and I to catch up on Doctor Who. We missed last week’s episode, so we get a double bill tonight. It’s the end of the ‘monk trilogy’ and it starts off well, but the final episode completely squanders both its premise and promise and ends up being very average.
I go to bed, hoping my headache will have faded by the morning.