Turns out I haven’t done a regular monthly writing update since last March. So here’s one for last month
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I did a brief update on my January writing efforts a couple of weeks ago, but here’s the formal update with stats and all sorts of exciting stuff.

Here’s a post I’ve been meaning to get around to for a while and … basically, not. Luckily, the start of a new year is always a good time to take stock of how you’ve spent the last 12 months, so here’s a look back at how my writing efforts went in 2015.
Today was a perfect example of how a #morningshift should NOT go.
February was some distance from being my most productive month (that’s shorthand for: it was fairly rubbish). I did however, make a start on a significant project.
Now that I’ve settled (more or less) into my morning shift routine, I’ll be using these monthly update slots to provide a general update on my writing activities. While most of my writing happens in the mornings, this will allow me to legitimately include updates on my blog posts, which normally happen in lunchtimes or evenings.
A quick update on my writing efforts for the last month of 2014.
I’ve been slack at providing the promised updates on my writing activities. Fortunately, my negligence means that I can wrap up my last three months’ of updates in a neat, tidy, ‘Spring’ brand package. It’s almost as if I had planned it all along …
A quick update on how well I fared with the Morning Shift during August.
So I’ve just totted up the totals for my August writing log (and the blog post on that will follow this week) and it seems to me that a monthly writing update would be a far better idea than a weekly one, as previously threatened. Since I’ve already missed about three planned blog posts since the last one, it also means you’re far more likely to actually get an update.
Anyway, August was going well: you need only look at my last Morning Shift update to find out why and how. Typically, however, things start to go a bit awry at the end of the month: I could feel myself coming down with something during that last week, then my youngest decided he wanted to start getting up at about 6:30am instead of 7:30am. Neither of these factors helped make the mornings particularly productive. In the end I did come down with flu in the first week of September, but that can wait for next month’s update.
Nevertheless, August (and I’m cheekily included the end of July as well) was still a fantastically productive month for me: I wrote over 10,000 words and edited 6,400. Specifically:
- Completed the first draft of a new short story, Needle, at the end of July
- Wrapped up the final draft of another new(ish) short story, The Empty Room) in the first week of August – that’s the 6,404 words of editing
- Wrote the complete first draft of a new short story, Drones, during the rest of the month. That came in at just under 6,000 words.
- Wrote two blog posts
Now let’s see if I can come anywhere near that for September.
Three months later, how am I finding the morning shift?